Wednesday 4 January 2012

From the bottom of my heart

Let's just say this is my personal blog..tengok orang lain tuleh blog, aku pon gatai nak tuleh jugak..tapi xtau la blog ni will be maintained ke ataupon tumbuh sawang..

i KNOW nobody read this..
i KNOW i am not a good writer..
and i KNOW sometimes i don't have anything to write..

BUT  still i want to write..because i HAVE the FREEDOM to speak out..

AND if you're looking for:

@gosip retis-retis..
@post yg comel2, atau bajet comel
@isu-isu politik

Then this is not your place...shoo urself away now!!

This is a blog of  solely MY journey, be it as whoever I am, mother, wife, daughter, engineer or even make-up artist...