Wednesday 4 January 2012

From the bottom of my heart

Let's just say this is my personal blog..tengok orang lain tuleh blog, aku pon gatai nak tuleh jugak..tapi xtau la blog ni will be maintained ke ataupon tumbuh sawang..

i KNOW nobody read this..
i KNOW i am not a good writer..
and i KNOW sometimes i don't have anything to write..

BUT  still i want to write..because i HAVE the FREEDOM to speak out..

AND if you're looking for:

@gosip retis-retis..
@post yg comel2, atau bajet comel
@isu-isu politik

Then this is not your place...shoo urself away now!!

This is a blog of  solely MY journey, be it as whoever I am, mother, wife, daughter, engineer or even make-up artist...

Thursday 1 December 2011

Muhasabah Diri

Ingat,ikut resmi padi..makin berisi makin tunduk..jgn ikut mcm ayam,telo sebijik riuh sekampung!!

In relation to my story...

Aku attend wedding seorang sahabat a couple of weeks ago, daripada make up sampailah ke pelamin semua dari orang-orang femes dan dah punya label sendiri...glamer la,n harga pon diorang tetak aci putus urat tengkok!! T___T

Tapi..from what i observed servis diorang agak tak memuaskan..agaknye bila nama dah naik,maka kerja pon cincai sambilewa, banyak la silap dan kurang yang diorabg buat...

Semua org suka duit, aku pon suka duit, tp biarlah setimpal dgn apa yg dibayar.. hanya $$$$$ semata-mata..tak bleh la..(kena btg idong sendiri dlm kerja engineering, i am improving myself MONTH to MONTH. But within the month m allowed to feel demotivated with my underpaid full time job)

Kesian pengantin..tension la duit keluar ribu2 tapi service not up to her expectation kan..

Aku mula muhasabah diri, andainye dgn izin Allah aku jadi femes dan berjaya dalam bidang yang diceburi, aku mesti buat kerja seikhlas hati and bertanggungjawab..

Ni nak nyanyi lagu ana raffali "tolong ingatkan aku"...kalau aku tersasar nanti.. 

Thursday 17 November 2011

Bila TizZaqyah kene troll!

Ok, hence the title..

@7.30am: Things I did today..was playing instagram on the journey to work..
and I came across somebody i followed, a public figure of course uploading one i-shall-say-a-controversial-pic..

engko nak DrumRoll?!

yes..its Tiz Zaqyah..!*drool*

and so i comment..

and so she bashed...which i sensed she was a bit upset..
mane taknye, sampaikan 2kali die bashed akak ni..

and so i said sorry...

and she replied again...

as u can see all well ends well....u can can ignore the rest of the commentator..because I was the LIMELIGHT of the the rest, whatever comment u put in there, SHE chose to reply me...BOOHOO to you guys!!

truly i'm sorry, it was a harmless gesture...but damaged good...
and here is lesson learnt for myself and some of you out there not start/create some innocent and harmless jokes that related to your personal life you are gonna end up getting bashed at..ok?!

So now i publicly apologized to Tiz Zaqyah and her fans..peace out!